Little Sioux River Valley
I LOVE it here!
Location: Little Sioux River Valley
Name: Bruce Morrison
Residence: Rural Hartley
What, Who, How, Why this photo is important to you:
This locale is very important to me for many reasons - most simply sentimental...the
glacial memory there, the Mill Creek Culture in the valley, a few hundred years removed,
the pioneer history, the natural history - Ada Hayden deemed this plot of ground as
"O'Brien No.1" in the early 1940's - declaring it needed to be preserved. The birds! The
sunrise! I could go on forever!
What makes you happy about O'Brien County:
What has made me happy about O'Brien County is the people that have recognized and
have actually taken steps to preserve our heritage - both natural and cultural
A Touring memory of O'Brien County:
We "tour" a lot for birds, but we have taken part in a survey for the DNR since 1994 -
it's called the "Frog and Toad" survey. We run a route 3 times a summer and record
each "tour" and submit these reports back to the Wildlife Diversity folks in Boone,
IA. We enjoy both the sights and sounds each summer - always a different experience.
What did you learn during Covid 19:
Mostly that I must like being out in the country by ourselves!
Favorite Quote:
"There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance
that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter." --- Rachel Carson